Sunday, September 26, 2004

revision to It's just another day...

Life & Times of Ramiro...: It's just another day...

I mispelled some words and one of them was deal, not seal.

It's just another day...

Life & Times of Ramiro...
Tried to get on, but couldn't since it had been awhile. Anyway, everyone's asleep and I can't fall asleep yet. I am online while watching "Middle School Confessions" and really surprised at the kind of stuff kids have to deal with these days. Isn't this a crazy world we live in? I hope I don't have to seal with this much when my daughter is that age.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

New Month, New Thoughts...

Life & Times of Ramiro...

I am watching the Republican Convention and listening to President Bush, and am realizing that the older I become the more conservative I am! I agree that "The heart and soul of America doesn't live in Hollywood." This doesn't mean that I don't feel that there isn't a need to continue to to fight for social justice, because there are still too many things that need to change. But I am willing to work for this on the grass roots level through community development and indigenous leadership development. I also wonder how many of us Christians are praying for our leaders in all areas of our lives, as well as for the well being of our nation and people? Sometimes I feel like Lot living in Sodom and wonder how he managed to lead his family while continuing to pursue his faith and his God? Things that make me go hmmmmmmm...