Friday, December 02, 2016

You get what you deserve…

Of all the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard me, this is one of them. I have heard this several times during the last few weeks, mostly with regards to friends of mine that have disabilities, primarily vision impairment and blindness. How can anyone say a person deserves bad things? It doesn't make sense. I understand from a Christian perspective that all of us deserve hell and condemnation. But peers are not going to make that happen. Only God can! The only reality that applies in this situation is that when a person makes decisions there are consequences and benefits associated with those decisions; the same way every reaction has an opposite reaction it's causal… I could be the perfect example, I have many regrets, failures, sorrows, trials & tribulations to account for. But, Grace has gotten me through all of it and I have not entirely received what I deserve! I have also received mercy and forgiveness throughout all of this! Therefore, I will have to be careful about my future decisions in order for me not to experience the following: "Haunted by the past, harassed in the present, with Hope for the future!" At least not the former two items…


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