Feeling Tired and Overwhelmed in L.A.
I woke up this morning really tired and overwhelmed as the title of this post already stated. Unfortunately, so was the rest of my family - wife and child. It's tough trying to raise a family in this busy and lost city. Especially in the 'hood. We have seen good and bad things happen over the last few weeks: neighbors have begun to reach out to us by inviting us to family and church functions, kids have been showing signs of progress by being kind to one another and using manners daily, they have also offered to pray really thankful and humble words to the Lord before we eat our snack. Then there is the bad side, those uninvolved with our efforts and activities who are belligerent, disruptive, rude, mean and destructive. Kids who are violent with each other and committing acts of vandalism against our center and our home. Using profanity all the time and doing this in a loud and boisterous way. When confronted, there is always denial and no responsibility is taken for offenses. None of this is surprising. But exhausting just the same. I can imagine what the elders in the faith went through as they sought to win souls for the Lord and implement positive change in their world. I pray that Jesus would take this battle on and pull us out of the melee for a moment, if only to catch my breath and have a solitary moment of peace. I think he did that yesterday, when he allowed me to hear some encouraging words about what others are doing in places not too far from here. Even though, the words came from Laura Bush as she praised students, administration and faculty at Sun Valley Middle School, not a regular occurrence here in the valley. Then we had the opportunity to play with some kids in our apartment complex who allowed me to join in their soccer and volley ball games. I also got to hear them say 5 positive things about each other, at my prompting of course. Lastly, I had the opportunity to see some of the kids we have served, do the same for me by loving and playing with my daughter. In the end, I am grateful for the family that I have been blessed with, because I remember being alone not too long ago trying to do ministry as a single guy for most of my life. I also thank the Lord for the fruit that I have been blessed to see more often than not. Peace to whoever stumbles by and reads this blog.