Friday, June 06, 2008


I have been mulling this over and over in my mind...I asked my mom to say some things to my dad a couple of weeks ago, when he was admitted to the hospital and that was "I hope I was a son that you could be proud of..." She told me he said yes and I have been asking myself what he could have been proud of? I believe it had everything to do with legacies...our new found legacies cancel out our old generational curses through the blood of Jesus and his atoning sacrifice. My role in ministry these many years has been to do likewise with all those I have encountered: to insure that they also realized all of this too. They were no longer bound or captives, but free through Christ and His liberation extended to us. Earlier today I met with chaplains from the local county jails and shared this with them also, that our role was to insure that those we were serving would also realize what they now had as they chose to follow the Savior - an end to the curses and generational sin and a new beginning with Jesus leading them and their serving others with the Gifting they freely received. Redemption through fulfillment of discipleship and practical contextual application of biblical principles to our lives daily. Knowing the Savior deeply and His plan for our lives!


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