Friday, June 20, 2008

Justice Journey Day 1

Day 1
I am going to do my best to provide a daily entry for the next 6 days. The day started early this morning, 5:00 AM for me. We left Willow Creek at 8:30 AM and headed for several points south in the Chicagoland area, in order to pick up the rest of the Justice Journey participants. Traveled through Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee along I-65. We had a long bus ride with several stops for meals, bathroom breaks and leg stretches. I have new shoes, which should be very comfortable - Isabel & Joy helped me pick out a pair of Crocs and Dr. Scholl's sandals. What an interesting day full of conversations. At the moment, I am having one such dialogue with my roommate about immigration reform and the incredible need for that! What an opportunity to pursue a greater awareness of issues like this. We arrived at our final destination in Nashville tonight around 8PM, checked into the hotel and unloaded the luggage. So I am trying to prepare for a decent night's rest before traveling into Selma tomorrow afternoon. Good night for now.


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