Justice Journey Day 5

Day 5
..."Those privileged to come and see, have the responsibility to go and tell!" - Pierre Chestang, participant on the Justice Journey 2008, who works for the Moody Broadcasting Network in Tampa, FL. We left Tupelo, MS this morning and spent the beginning of our bus ride with reflective time, we were asked to write in our journals words that described how we were feeling, my choices were sad, tired, excited, anxious, hopeful and contemplative...headed for Memphis, TN. When we arrived at the National Civil Rights Museum, we enter into an exhibit from the Smithsonian Latino Center, the Clemente family, and the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico the presentation is called "Beyond Baseball: The Life of Roberto Clemente" it is a tribute to this monumental figure’s outstanding achievements on the field and off. It is a bilingual (English/Spanish) panel exhibition, richly illustrated with images of Clemente’s life and accomplishments.. The Black Puerto Rican baseball player who played for the Brooklyn Dodgers minor league team and then picked up by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Here is a link for the virtual exhibit: http://www.robertoclemente.si.edu/. From there we toured the rest of the museum. There is a new installment for the 40th anniversary of King's assassination,. We went back to the hotel for lunch and afterwards listened to A.G. Miller, Professor of Religion at Oberlin College in OH. He spoke about Compassion, Seeing and Action. He presented a model of ministry where Jesus incorporated all three of these in blessing others...Jesus has placed a longing with a passion we can't control in our inner being. Professor Miller challenged us to seek God's face in order to transform us in a way that will respond to the heart of God. Dr. Perkins closed with a quote from Bill Hybels' book Courageous Leadership: "A leader is someone who is able to turn vision into passion." After this, we met for 45 minutes with our respective church bodies to discuss next steps. We had great representation from several Willow Creek volunteers, staff and interns who participated in this week's event...we check into our rooms and afterward head for dinner at the Soul Cafe on the campus of New Directions church, where we are addressed by Rudy Howard, who performs a one man show on music and the Civil Rights Movement. This is a fantastic way to close our time together...afterwards some of us went to Beale Street, but I came back to the hotel, in order to complete my thoughts and post this blog entry...Let's see what tomorrow brings.
..."Those privileged to come and see, have the responsibility to go and tell!" - Pierre Chestang, participant on the Justice Journey 2008, who works for the Moody Broadcasting Network in Tampa, FL. We left Tupelo, MS this morning and spent the beginning of our bus ride with reflective time, we were asked to write in our journals words that described how we were feeling, my choices were sad, tired, excited, anxious, hopeful and contemplative...headed for Memphis, TN. When we arrived at the National Civil Rights Museum, we enter into an exhibit from the Smithsonian Latino Center, the Clemente family, and the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico the presentation is called "Beyond Baseball: The Life of Roberto Clemente" it is a tribute to this monumental figure’s outstanding achievements on the field and off. It is a bilingual (English/Spanish) panel exhibition, richly illustrated with images of Clemente’s life and accomplishments.. The Black Puerto Rican baseball player who played for the Brooklyn Dodgers minor league team and then picked up by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Here is a link for the virtual exhibit: http://www.robertoclemente.si.edu/. From there we toured the rest of the museum. There is a new installment for the 40th anniversary of King's assassination,. We went back to the hotel for lunch and afterwards listened to A.G. Miller, Professor of Religion at Oberlin College in OH. He spoke about Compassion, Seeing and Action. He presented a model of ministry where Jesus incorporated all three of these in blessing others...Jesus has placed a longing with a passion we can't control in our inner being. Professor Miller challenged us to seek God's face in order to transform us in a way that will respond to the heart of God. Dr. Perkins closed with a quote from Bill Hybels' book Courageous Leadership: "A leader is someone who is able to turn vision into passion." After this, we met for 45 minutes with our respective church bodies to discuss next steps. We had great representation from several Willow Creek volunteers, staff and interns who participated in this week's event...we check into our rooms and afterward head for dinner at the Soul Cafe on the campus of New Directions church, where we are addressed by Rudy Howard, who performs a one man show on music and the Civil Rights Movement. This is a fantastic way to close our time together...afterwards some of us went to Beale Street, but I came back to the hotel, in order to complete my thoughts and post this blog entry...Let's see what tomorrow brings.
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