Multiculturalism in the Northwestern suburbs...

My family went to the Mount Prospect Parade and Fireworks display yesterday. We ran into some dear friends whom we haven't seen since we don't attend the same church with them any longer. They joined us later to watch the parade. It was interesting to see how much gasoline is wasted on this event, in addition to that, we were amazed at how many different cultures were represented by those in attendance. Even more noticible was how the local politicians interacted with these people. It seems that most of the Latinos were passed up in order for the potential government servants to greet other members of that multicultural grouping. But, it wasn't just the politicos who did this, the various churches and organizations throwing candy and passing other promotional items followed suit. Not all of us look like we just crossed the border and many of us are registered voters, but that didn't seem to make a difference. Besides that, those of us who are believers, may decide not to assimilate to the dominant culture or perhaps take on a bicultural identity, affirming the best of both. All that said, we enjoyed ourselves just the same and were more interested in recognizing the cultures represented: Asian and Southeast Asian, Eastern European, Latinos and African Americans, etc. How cool is that? Being together in this setting reminds one of many different passages in scripture speaking about that and greatly contrasting the image of the Tower of Babel. What I dread more than anything else is the fact that as we celebrate Independance Day and the founding of this nation by immigrants who crossed a larger body of water than the river partially used as a southern border. How long does one need to reside in a country before they are recognized as a valuable and contributing member of society? As a Christian, how can we effectively remove our faith from a cultural or patriotic pride that we are not all allowed to share? When will dignity be provided to everyone and anyone, especially by followers of Jesus?
Wow, that "NO" sign really got to me. Kind of reminded me of when I went to Angola State Pen in Angola LA. There were bathrooms that had guest on one door and inmates ont the other. As if they were different then us.
Ouch on the parade. We live in Arlington Heights, and rode our bikes in its Independence Day parade in 2008. I didn't notice any discrimination, but sadly, I could have just missed seeing it. Willow Creek church is making a big effort in this area. It was featured in last week's Time Magazine for its multicultural efforts, and just moved its Spanish-language service from the chapel to the Lakeside Auditorium last Sunday at 1:30PM. I attended the first service, and really enjoyed it, though my Spanish is weak enough that I missed out on the jokes. I commented after last Sunday's Promiseland that our two year old room looked like a little United Nations that day, which to me is a huge joy.
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